Make a Plan to Vote on Tuesday, November 5! Or better yet, vote early!
Mail-in Ballot
Use any of the official Ballot Drop Box (sfelections.org/ballotdropoff) anytime before 8 PM on Tuesday, November 5 (boxes available 24/7 prior to Nov 5)
Or return your completed ballot at any polling location on election day, November 5
Ballots returned by mail must be post-marked by Election Date, Tuesday, November 5 (no stamp required). This should be the last resort method on election day.
Day of election: Do not miss the last collection time listed for that specific mailbox (which at many locations is 5 pm or earlier), and do not leave at a post office that has already closed for the day, Doing either will mean your ballot will not be postmarked on Election Day, and won't be counted when it reaches your county's election office.
Use Where's my ballot to track your ballot after you’ve either mailed it or dropped it in an official Ballot Drop Box
Vote In Person
Find your official polling location via the SF Voter Portal, or check wait times via sfelections.org/myvotinglocation
Go to SF City Hall, Voting Center, ground floor, Room 48, to vote early
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm (except Oct 14)
Sat & Sun: 10am - 4pm on Oct 26 & 27, Nov 2 & 3 only
Election Day (Nov 5): 7am - 8pm
Not Yet Registered to Vote
Same-Day Voter Registration (ie: Conditional Ballot) - Register to vote conditionally at SF City Hall Voting Center (or your local county elections office) before or on election day, caearlyvoting.sos.ca.gov
Provisional Ballots - If you show up to vote at your official polling location and your name is not on the voter list, request a provisional ballot.
Made a Mistake on Your Ballot
If you made a mistake while completing your ballot, bring complete invalid ballot to your official polling location on November 8, and ask for a replacement ballot.
If you experience any problems voting or have additional voting questions, contact the national, non-partisan Election Protection hotline:
866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) – English language hotline (call or text accepted)
Or text “our vote” to 97779
888-VE-Y-VOTA (888-839-8682) – Spanish language hotline
888-API-VOTE (888-274-8683) – Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Bengali, Hindi, Urdu and Tagalog hotline
844-YALLA-US (844-925-5287) – Arabic language hotline