Your vote matters and so does your voice!
Women make up 51% of the population, but represent only 33% at the state level.
California ranks 13th of all states for Women in State Legislature. We can change this!
Your Vote is Your Voice and Your Power, so use it!
Next CA Election
Upcoming CA Local County Elections in 2025 (6/2/26 Primary Election)
Register to Vote Online Deadline: 15 days prior to election
If you missed the online registration deadline, you can still register in-person at your local county election office during early elections
Lookup your voting district via the Voter Portal ( or call the Department of Elections at 415-554-4375
Vote-by-mail Ballot should start arriving about a month prior to election day
If you have not received your ballot by the expected date, track it using Where's my ballot. Or track your ballot after you’ve either mailed it or dropped it in an official Ballot Drop Box
Vote-by-mail ballot must be postmarked on or before Election day
Or use an official Ballot Drop Box ( anytime before 8 PM on election day. Boxes available 24/7 throughout CA
Vote In Person
Find your polling location and see wait times at
Voting Day Tips and Resources
Ballot Drop Box: find an official Ballot Drop Box near you ( All ballot drop boxes will be red, white, and blue, and all sides of the box will bear an American flag and the official seal of the City and County of San Francisco, and show “OFFICIAL BALLOT DROP BOX”.
ID: Bring proof of identification. Find your state’s voter identification requirements (
Can also call or text the VoteRiders Helpline at 866-ID-2-Vote
Stay in Line - If the polls close while you’re still in line to vote, you’re legally allowed to still cast your vote. So, don’t leave without voting!
Ballots - If you make a mistake on your ballot, you have the right to ask for a new one. You can also ask for a paper ballot if your polling location is having trouble with their machines.
Polling Protection - It's illegal to wear apparel, carry signs, or hand out literature with the names or slogans of candidates close to polling places. If you see violations or feel intimidated while trying to vote, the ACLU has complied ways to help you report it. If you have any problem voting, call 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
Same Day Voter Registration - If you have not yet registered to vote, 15 days prior to election day, California provides Same Day Voter Registration (via Conditional Voter Registration)
Provisional Ballots - If you show up to vote and your name is not on the voter list, ask if you can request a provisional ballot. Use this only as a last resort, as many provisional ballots cast at the wrong polling location will not be counted.
Register to vote
Voters must be registered at least 15 days prior to election day. Future Election Dates in SF
Research Absentee Voting Rules By State
While you must be 18 or older on Election Day to register, you can pre-register to vote at 16 or 17 and if you do, you will automatically be registered to vote on your 18th birthday
Determine if your state allows same-day voter registration at the polls
Living Abroad? Request an absentee ballot
Felony Conviction? You may still be able to vote in CA. Learn more about restoring your vote.
Domestic Abuse concerns? Enroll for Safe At Home, which provides substitute mailing address information for people fearing for their safety a way to keep their address confidential, out of public records, and out of the hands of anyone who has harmed or wants to harm them.
Check your voter registration mailing address and voter status in SF county
Note: to change your voter mailing address, you need to re-register to vote
Vote Early or find a vote-by mail drop off location
Find your Polling Place and polling hours, in SF, if you do not receive your vote-by-mail ballot.
If you have not yet registered to vote, 15 days prior to election day, California provides Same Day Voter Registration (via Conditional Voter Registration) at your county election office
If there is a problem with your voter registration, you can legally request a Provisional Ballot at your polling station the day of the election. Provisional ballots will be counted once your eligibility has been confirmed, and it’s been verified that you have not already voted elsewhere
If you have any problem voting, call 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) from your polling place to get immediate help so your vote is properly cast and counted (for other languages, see complete list below). Next report the problem to Trust The Vote which is mapping all voting problems to look for patterns so that local reporters can investigate them.
If you miss the MAIL IN deadline just drop it off at any polling place on election day
If there is a long line when you arrive, do not leave, the polls have to stay open until you complete your vote if you arrive before the official close at 8 pm
If you have a mail-in ballot completed but not yet mailed, and the candidate you voted for has since dropped out of the race, go to your polling place or election center, tell an official there what happened, turn in your old ballot to be destroyed, and request a new one
Disability Rights Voting Hotline: 888-569-7955
Review the Voting Policies in your State
Check the Voter ID laws by State (ID only required for new voters in CA)
SF Election questions?
visit, email, or call 415-554-4375
Track your ballot
Track and receive notifications on the status of your vote-by-mail ballot via Where’s My Ballot?
Sign Up for An Election Reminder
Rock the Vote will remind you of upcoming election dates and deadlines in your area, so that you never miss an election!
Be a Poll Worker
Accessible in-person voting is essential for people with disabilities and people without housing; if possible, consider applying today.
SF Poll Worker Form (stipend)
Election Protection Volunteer
You can take action from home or in person by serving as a nonpartisan Election Protection volunteer to stop voter suppression. You’ll connect voters with trained legal professionals who can help them navigate the voting process and cast their ballots safely and securely.
Vote Riders Campaign
Volunteer with VoteRiders, a non-partisan organization with a mission to ensure that all citizens are able to exercise their freedom to vote by helping citizens to secure their voter ID.
If there is a problem with your vote-by-mail ballot, you can vote in person. Questions contact the Department of Elections at 415-554-4375 or
If you missed the registration deadline, you still have the option to vote via Conditional Voter Registration
Voter Policy information for CA
If you are currently registered in San Francisco:
Re-register to vote to update your political party preference, name, or signature on file with the Department. The deadline to update your registration record is 15 days before an election
Verify you are currently registered to vote in San Francisco
Find your Polling Place
Remember, if there is a problem with your voter registration, or you go to the wrong polling location, you can request a Provisional Ballot at your polling location. Provisional ballots will be counted once you’re eligibility has been confirmed, and it’s been confirmed that you haven’t already voted elsewhere.
Track and receive notifications on the status of your vote-by-mail ballot via Where’s My Ballot?
If you have voted in-person, you can track your ballot online
California Secretary of State
Verify your voting registration status (CA counties only)
Federal Election
Federal Registration general information
Registration information by state
If you have problems voting or have additional questions, please call the national, non-partisan Election Protection hotline:
866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) – English language hotline (call or text)
888-VE-Y-VOTA (888-839-8682) – Spanish language hotline
888-API-VOTE (888-274-8683) – Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Bengali, Hindi, Urdu and Tagalog hotline
844-YALLA-US (844-925-5287) – Arabic language hotline
Raise Your Voice
If you don’t know who your Senators are, view the US Senate map to find out, and then call them at the phone number provided
US Capital Switchboard: 202-224-3121
White House Switchboard: 202-456-1414
White House Comment Line: 202-456-1111
US Department of Health & Human Services: 877-696-6775
Department of Justice Switchboard: 202-514-2000
Contact your state’s Attorney General