Over 30% of women in the United States are not yet registered to vote. More than 70,000 of these women live right here in San Francisco!
Join the League of Women Voters of San Francisco in their journey to invite every age-eligible woman in San Francisco to REGISTER TO VOTE. Voter Registration deadline is October 24.
No experience? No worries. They’ll provide training and work in pairs. It’s more fun with a friend, so bring one along if you can. You’ll be outside, meet other civic minded people, and help fellow San Franciscans become voters. You don't need to be a LWV member to volunteer.
Once you RSVP, they'll email instructions to registered attendees about the meet-up point and the mobile app they'll be using.
RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/san-francisco-voter-registration-door-to-door-canvass-tickets-428850081137
Questions? Email canvassing@lwvsf.org
About LWV
The League of Women Voters of San Francisco is a nonpartisan political nonprofit that defends democracy. They provide education to encourage people to vote in elections and participate in government. They also engage in advocacy to influence public policy that benefits the community. People of all genders are welcome.