Staying Engaged in 2021 and Beyond

Women's March San Francisco & Oakland invite you to Staying Engaged in 2021 and Beyond

We are still reeling from recent events at the Capitol, where the white supremacist violence fomented for years hit a crescendo. The reaction stands in sharp contrast to how we organized and showed up for the rights we hold dear in the wake of the 2016 election — and as uncertainty grips us as we near the next inauguration, we are glad we’d already decided to forego a march out of respect for COVID-19 protocol.

But even without a march, and with an unprecedented diversity seated in the house, senate and White House, there is still so much work to be done.

On Saturday, January 23rd from 1:00 to 3:00 PM PST, we’ll gather virtually to learn how to remain engaged and activated while we choose not to march. Please register today with Run the World.

We will speak with leaders and community organizers about how to get involved and keep holding elected officials accountable. We’ll share Calls to Action from our community partners around what to prioritize in Biden’s First Hundred Days. 

After a 30-minute fireside chat with Kimberly Ellis, we’ll have two simultaneous breakout sessions to help walk through skills and information about how to stay involved, especially while we continue to engage from home. 

Our community partners will provide Calls to Action to encourage support for the organization who have done the work to get us here and will continue to lead work following the event. 

Register now, as space is limited