No 2021 march, but we remain engaged! Join Us!

At this point in 2016, we were well on our way to building the first Women's March; sprinting straight uphill through pain and grief, toward a day that has gone down in history for our communal action. And though we all hunger for that communion and connection, we must prioritize safety and we will not be hosting an in-person Women's March 2021.

Rather than gathering in-person, on January 23, 2021, in partnership with Women's March Oakland, we invite you to a virtual event to focus on the next chapter of the movement. The goal is to define tangible steps we can take together to create ongoing collaboration, consensus and coalition building.

We will host 1-2 panels during the event (speaker info to come), but we will also have a dance party to celebration the progress we've made since launching this beautiful movement. Holy sh*t y'all.

Be sure to save the date: 1/23/21, 1-3 PM PST

Because our event will be virtual, we aren't going to be raising money for Women's March San Francisco.

If you're in position to give at the end of this harrowing year, we recommend The SF New Deal, a group of San Franciscans working to bridge local restaurants (majority woman, queer and/or BIPOC-owned) to the very many neighbors experiencing food insecurity.'s to a better New Year.


Register for the event at

View recorded sessions at


Women’s March San Francisco