Women’s March SF is proud to return to the streets on 1/18/20

Women’s March San Francisco is proud to return to the streets
on January 18, 2020 - Together We Rise!

San Francisco, CA. October 2, 2019 — The leadership team is varied. Many of us have been working together since our creation on November 19, 2016; more have been drawn by the unmatched energy of women working in solidarity to serve an intersectional world that raises us all up — and each of us has a voice, a space to speak, and an essential role in creating the grassroots organization that gathers each January in Civic Center to fight for what we know this world needs.

We share the Unity Principles and a logo with others who march under the Women’s March banners, but we continue to be independently run by an all-volunteer team by local activists, independently funded, programmed by and for the local community, and proud beyond measure to be here in San Francisco leading from a City known for changing the world.

Come join us, world changer. We need you now. Let’s work.

Women’s March San Francisco Team